Turn it to dark mode plz...I need your eyeballs to last for brainwashing purposes...Yes I know your in a dark room alone larping the crypto-net for your next scam, just cut the shit Morty

A brief description of LevX DAO's past, present, and Future by N0xMare, with built in guides to traversing things in this DAO...straight from the source of your fellow Morty

What is LevX DAO?

LevX DAO is an organization led by our one true dictator, LevX/levx.eth (Rank: Wubba Lubba Dub Dub), who leads all of us ranked helpers/officials, Mortys and white-namers to our end goal of everlasting salvation. There is truly nothing like having low IQ (high IQ is not allowed) fun while collecting magical internet money and non-fungible tokens that have no utility or use-case by mindlessly following our dictator and filling out lots of forms to try and understand what is actually going on. (more on this later if you can read)

Vision: Dictator says, "There is no vision for this DAO."

**Here are all of our social resources for you to get more involved if you feel the need to ape in without reading the rest of the docs like a true Morty: **

Latest From the Soupreme Leader

The Dictator's Blog: https://blog.levx.io/

Join LevX Discord: https://discord.gg/pYyXY8QMTg / https://discord.gg/oh-geez

Follow LevX DAO's Twitter: https://twitter.com/LevXDAOhGeez | @LevXDAOhGeez

Follow the Dictator's Twitter: https://twitter.com/LevxApp | @LevxApp

LevX Governance: https://snapshot.org/#/levx.eth

Other Shtuff

LevX DAO NFT collection on OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/levx-dao

Bet you cant guess what this is Morty: https://github.com/levx-io

Projects we are involved in (go to discord for most up to date info):

SharkPunks NFT: https://twitter.com/SharkpunksNFT | @SharkpunksNFT

Maidverse: https://twitter.com/maid_coin | @maid_coin

BearFi: https://twitter.com/bearfi_org | @bearfi_org

Last updated